Being Human in a More-Than-Human World

Being Human in a More-Than-Human World, or, European Posthumanism and the Critique of Anthropology

(Collected Essays on Critical Posthumanism IV)

(End of 2026)

 1. Introduction: Ontogeny – On Becoming (and Ceasing to Be) Human

Towards a European Posthumanism

2. Posthumanism and “French” Antihumanism

3. Posthumanism’s German Genealogies: From Negative to Media Anthropology

4. Posthumanism, Biopolitics and the Italian “Difference”

5. Cultural Anthropology – Decolonialism, Animism, Anthropomorphism and Anthropocentrism

Postanthropology, or, Anthropologies of the More-Than-Human

6. Mineral: Organic, Inorganic and AL

7. Animal: Originary Animality

8. Vegetal: (Carnivorous) Plant Theory

9. Aesthetics: Art without Humans?

10. Posthumanism, Language and Translation


11. Inhumanism, or, Who or What Was the Posthuman?