All My Publications

Most of my publications are freely available online either in their published version or as pre-publication manuscripts. Just follow the links in the individual entries…

Series and Editorships:

I’m the general editor of Critical Posthumanisms (Brill):

Critical posthumanism can be understood as the discourse that deconstructively inhabits humanism and critiques its anthropocentrism. It works both genealogically – in historicising the contemporary figure of the posthuman – and speculatively – in imagining, analysing and evaluating scenarios of humanity’s perceived exceptionalism, challenges, or ends. It thus critically engages with unsettling anticipations of the future, provides timely critiques of the present and produces rewritings and alternative narratives with a postanthropocentric or nonhuman dimension. Critical posthumanism’s concerns typically embrace the impacts of bio- and digital technology; ecological crises; the development of artificial intelligence; more-than-human ethics; politics and justice and their interdisciplinary debate within the new or posthumanities.

Critical Posthumanisms is a series addressing all the above. It publishes cutting-edge monographs and edited collections focusing on the rise of posthumanism and its forms, perspectives and directions. It makes available studies by scholars whose perspectives on the posthuman, nonhuman or more-than-human vary in important and interesting ways, and should serve as a crucial point of reference for anybody working within the field.

Books within the series provide:

  • inter- or multidisciplinary takes on posthumanism, the posthuman, nonhuman or more-than-human, particularly those allowing the new humanities or posthumanities to critically engage with areas like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, virtual reality, climate change, geo-engineering, etc.;
  • analyses of the histories, genealogies, idioms, and canons of different posthumanisms and discussions of the main sources, thinkers and trends of posthumanism;
  • alternative formulations of posthumanism, which problematise the centrality of technology;
  • philosophical and political critiques of the prosthesisation, enhancement, transformation or transcendence of the human or nonhuman;
  • investigations into the role and future of fictional and speculative discourses in literature, film, art, performance, media and science involving scenarios of posthumanisation (or becoming-other-than-human).


  • Volume 1. Thorsten Botz-Bornstein. Virtual Reality: The Last Human Narrative? (2015).
  • Volume 2. Ruben Borg. Fantasies of Self-Mourning: Modernism, the Posthuman and the Finite (2019)
  • Volume 3. Stefan Herbrechter. Before Humanity: Posthumanism and Ancestrality (2022)

If you would like to send a proposal or manuscript for a monograph or a collection that speaks to the series outline above please contact

I’m an editorial board member of these academic journals: