Reviews (selection):
- “The Nonhumanities, or, ceci n’est pas une critique – Review of Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities, eds Daniel J. Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt”, Word & Text 20 (2020): 191-204.
- “The Nature of Culture”, review of Vicki Kirby, ed., What if culture was nature all along?, Australian Humanities Review 63 (2018): 214-219.
- “Keep Calm and Carry On Writing”, review of Writing Posthumanism, Posthuman Writing, ed. Sidney L. Dobrin, Culture Machine Reviews (2017).
- Review of Posthumanism and the massive open online course: contaminating the subject of global education, by Jeremy Knox, Distance Education 37.3 (2016): 1376-379.
- Review of Posthumanism and Educational Research, eds Nathan Snaza and John A. Weaver, Educational Philosophy and Theory (2016).
- “Animal Terror”, review of Criminals as Animals from Shakespeare to Lombroso, by Greta Olson, Culture Machine Reviews, July 2015.
- “I Am This Brain”, review of Borges and Memory: Encounters with the Human Brain, by Rodrigo Quiroga, The European Legacy 19.6 (2014): 769-73. Pre-publication copy here.
- “Animal Writes… for the love of a word”, review of Lynn Turner, ed. (2013) The Animal Question in Deconstruction, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Culture Machine Reviews, 2014. Copy available here.
- “The Lab Is Us”, review of The New Human in Literature: Posthuman Visions of Changes in Body, Mind and Society after 1900, by Mads Rosendahl Thomsen.
- “The Roar on the Other Side of Silence… Or, What’s Left of the Humanities?”, Review of The Posthuman, by Rosi Braidotti, Culture Machine Reviews, April 2013.
- “The Posthumanist University”, review of For the University, by Thomas Docherty, Word & Text 3.1 (2013): 121-30. Pre-publication copy here.
- “The Other Side of Life”, review of Improper Life: Technology and Biopolitics from Heidegger to Agamben, by Timothy Campbell, Subjectivity 5.3 (2012): 348-53. Pre-publication copy here.
- “Turning Towards the Animal”, review of Animal Encounters, eds Tom Tyler and Manuela Rossini, Parallax 16.3 (2010): 133-37. Pre-publication copy here.
Interviews, debates and blog posts:
- “Kritischer Posthumanismus und die Humanities der Zukunft”, (Swiss Portal for Philosophy), 14/9/2016; available online here.
- “Kritischer Posthumanismus”, Debatte: Posthumanismus (Stefan Herbrechter und Karin Harrasser), Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung (ZMK), 7.1 (2016): 61-69.
- “On Not Writing Ourselves Out of the Picture” (Interview with Stefan Herbrechter), Antae 1.3 (2014): 131-144.
- “Interview”, The Posthuman Review, Critical Posthumanism Network, November 2013.
- “What is Critical Posthumanist Education?” Interview with Will Brehm on FreshEd# (July 2018).
- “Posthumanist Literature?”, keynote delivered at the Approaching Posthumanism and the Posthumanism conference in Geneva (June 2015).
- “Just Gaming With the Posthuman: Toy Story, Remediation and Electracy”, Open Media Research Seminar, Coventry University (March 2012).
- “Critical Posthumanism and Negative Anthropology”, Posthumanities Hub, Linköping, “Masterclass in Continental Philosophy”, Contact Zones webinar (December 2024). Text available here.
- “Posthumanism’s German Genealogies”, keynote, Posthumanism and the Posthuman: Chances and Challenges in German and European Literature and Culture, University of London (March 2023).
- “Posthumanism and the Media”, panel discussion with Stefan Herbrechter and Mark Hansen, IKKM (July 2015).
- “Posthumanism ‘Without’ Technology”, keynote delivered at the The Politics and Aesthetics of Posthumanism conference in Tel Aviv (May 2014).
- “The problem with materialism…”, short statement recorded at the Winterschool Timing Transformations, IASH, University of Bern (February 2013).