Planned volume for 2025
Science Faction, or, Posthumanism and the Critique of Technology
(Collected Essays of Critical Posthumanism III)
Stefan Herbrechter
- Introduction: Posthumanism “Without” Technology
Posthumanising Strategies
2. Science Faction: Posthumanism and Science Fiction
3. Technogenesis, or What is ‘Originary’ about Technology?
4. Constructions of the Future
5. Somatophobia: Transhumanism, Embodiment and Disability
6. Who Cares about AI, or, Vulnerability and Posthumanism
Politics after the Human
7. For a Strategic Biocentrism: The Limits of Life Affirmation
8. The Continuation of War and Violence under Posthuman(ist) Conditions
9. The Future of Democracy: Populism, Transhumanism and Cosmopolitics
10. The End of the World and Post-Anthropocene Cosmopolitanism
Inhumanism, or, Who or What Was the Posthuman?