Science Faction, or, Posthumanism and the Critique of Technology
(Collected Essays of Critical Posthumanism III)
(End of 2025; I’ll be adding drafts of the chapters as they become ready, see below)
1. Introduction: Posthumanism “Without” Technology, or, Against Futurism
Strategies of Posthumanisation
2. Science Faction: Posthumanism After Science Fiction
3. Technogenesis, or, Towards a Deconstruction of Technology
4. Constructions of the Future: Ghosting and Financialisation
5. Somatophobia: Transhumanism, Embodiment and Disability
6. Who Cares about AI? Vulnerability, Risk, Empathy, Love and Posthumanism
7. (Techno)Animism, Objects, New Materialism and Nonhuman Characters
Politics of the Posthuman
8. For a Strategic Biocentrism: The Limits of Life Affirmation
9. The Continuation of War and Violence under Posthuman(ist) Conditions
10. The Future of Democracy: Populism, Transhumanism and Cosmopolitics
11. The End of the World: Geoconstructivism versus Post-Anthropocene Cosmopolitanism
12. The Nonhuman Turn and the Human Wars, or, Posthumanism explained to Children